restore a vinyl floor

How do you restore a vinyl floor to make it shine?

When you restore a vinyl floor  it looks aesthetically appealing. It is a great option to make a modern look for your floors. The vinyl floor is durable and inexpensive. Moreover, these are easy to maintain and clean. Daily vinyl floor polishing can maintain its lustre even after years of use.

If you have a vinyl floor, you probably have heard it requires time to time polish to maintain its shine. Otherwise, the shine of the vinyl floor can be faded out. If you do not do vinyl floor polish daily, the vinyl floor can get dull.

Once your vinyl floor gets dull, it will not be easy to restore its shine. Have your vinyl floor got dull? Are you worried about its shine? Do you want to restore the vinyl floor to make it shine?

You can hire professional timber floor sanding in Perth for assistance. Without any guidelines, you will not be able to restore vinyl floor shine. Professional guidance is necessary for timber floor sanding and polishing.

How professional guidance can help with vinyl floor polishing?

The best vinyl floor polishing companies also provide tips and guidelines to clean vinyl floors. Professional approaches can allow you to meet your cleaning requirement. Therefore, you must go for it instead of using your ideas and DIYs.

With some professional help, thorough research and deep analysis, these tips and guidelines are presented in front of you. These tips are easy to use, safe for vinyl floor polish and result-oriented.

In this article, you will be able to learn some essential tips and guidelines to restore vinyl floor shine. There is a step-by-step guide so you can understand it better.

Choose the right vinyl polishing solution

Vinyl has the flexibility but the harsh chemicals can damage its appearance. Once the proactive layer of vinyl gets damaged, tough stains, scratches and deep moisture can damage the vinyl floor. You must choose the right solution for timber floor sanding in Perth.

Use gentle commercial products

vinyl floor polishing in perth

vinyl floor polishing in perth

The best way to retore vinyl floor shine is to use a gentle cleaning product. The products must be free of harsh chemicals because chemicals make vinyl fade. Moreover, chemical-free cleaning products for vinyl polish are worthy of a lifetime investment.

I also recommend following tips of professional companies of vinyl floor sanding in Perth.

Use baking powder for vinyl floor polishing

Baking powder is the best solution to restore your vinyl floor shine. Following are some easy steps and tips to get better results. Moreover, you can use baking powder for all types of floor

Easy steps

Steps 1: Firstly, take 3 lit warm water and add 4 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it well.

Steps 2: Secondly, take a damp mop and dip it into the solution.

Steps 3:Clean the vinyl with the damp mop and allow it to sit for at least 10min.

Steps 4:Finally, rinse the baking soda off the floor by using another mop.

Steps 5: Allow the floor to dry before use. You will see the results.

Restore vinyl floor shine with vinegar

Vinegar is the best option so far to restore vinyl floor shine. Moreover, vinegar can remove the toughest stain from the floor on the spot. Vinegar has the power to strip off the grim and leave the floor shiny. In addition to this, vinegar contains no chemical that can damage your vinyl floor.

With some easy steps, you can restore the shine of the vinyl floor

Easy steps

Step 1:

  • Take half a cup of white vinegar.
  • 1 tablespoon of any of the liquid dishwasher
  • One tablespoon of any of the mineral oil
  • 4 lit water.

Step 2:

  • Mix it well to make a solution

Step 3:

Take a damp mop and dip it into the solution

Step 4:

Apply the mop to the floor and gently clean the vinyl.

Step 5:

Take another damp mop and dip it into the plain water. Rinse the floor with this mop and leave it to dry. You will be surprised after watching the results.


The vinyl floor needs daily maintenance. If you neglect vinyl floor polishing, definitely the results will not be good. Anyhow, with the help of these surprising tips, you will be able to restore vinyl floor shine.

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